Home Movies 300

This piece consists of strung columns of high powered LEDs that are mounted to wires and suspended 3” from a wall. The LEDs are facing the wall thus creating an image on the surface of the wall. However since the LED boards are between the viewer and the image one has to look through the curtain of LEDs, through the display device to see the image. In other words the display device is partially blocking the image from being seen. This work displays found footage of home movies low enough in Resolution so that they become universal.

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Home Movies 300

60 x 50 x 3 inches
Video installation: custom electronics, 300 LEDs
Edition of 10

This piece consists of strung columns of high powered LEDs that are mounted to wires and suspended 3” from a wall. The LEDs are facing the wall thus creating an image on the surface of the wall. However since the LED boards are between the viewer and the image one has to look through the curtain of LEDs, through the display device to see the image. In other words the display device is partially blocking the image from being seen. This work displays found footage of home movies low enough in Resolution so that they become universal.

This piece consists of strung columns of high-powered LEDs that are mounted to wires and suspended 3” from a wall. The LEDs are facing the wall thus creating an image on the surface of the wall. However, since the LED boards are between the viewer and the image one has to look through the curtain of LEDs, through the display device to see the image. In other words, the display device is partially blocking the image from being seen. This work displays found footage of home movies low enough in Resolution so that they become universal.